Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, 7/20/10

9:30am - coffee w/heavy cream
11:00am - fiesta chickem and coffee w/heavy cream
4:00pm - coffee w/heavy cream
7:30pm - Salmon, green beans w/olive oil & lemon juice, cucumbers, dark chocolate, and red wine

Max Effort Press 3-3-3-1-1-1*
Max Effort Front Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1*
*Work up to a 1-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then...
2:00 Minutes Max Rep Power Clean
Rest 2:00 Minutes
2:00 Minutes Max Rep Push Jerk
Rest 2:00 Minutes
2:00 Minutes Max Rep Power Snatch
*Rx'd weights = 73/115
*Score total reps completed

Press - 3x65#s, 3x75#s, 3x80#s, 1x85#s, 1x90#s, 1x95#s, 100#s [failed]
Front Squat - 3x100#s, 3x115#s, 3x125#s, 1x130#s, 1x135#s, 1x140#s

2:00 Power Cleans @ 75#s - 18 reps
2:00 Push Jerk @ 75#s - 18 reps
2:00 Hang Power Snatch @ 45#s - 14 reps [stripped the bar because I am not totally comfortable with snatches and then did HPS instead of full power snatches]

Monday, 7/20/10

9:00am - 7:00pm - coffee w/heavy cream
7:30pm - fiesta chicken, salad w/olive oil & lemon juice, dark chocolate, red wine, and an apple

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday 7/17/10

Three rounds for time of
65lb/95lb Squat Clean, 30 reps
30 Pullups
Run 1/2-mile

Used 53#s and scaled to only 20 reps on Squat Cleans in the last 2 rounds
Used green band for pull-ups

It was horrible!

Friday 7/16/10

9:00am - coffee w/half & half
10:00am - coffee w/half & half
11:30am - avgolemono soup
4:00pm - avgolemono soup
8:00pm - dinner at Carrabba's - caprese skewers, salad w/vinaigrette, spinach w/garlic, chicken involtini, pollo rosa maria, and desert rosa (I only ate half)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday, 7/15/10

8:00am - Coffee w/heavy cream
9:30am - Coffee w/heavy cream
11:00am - leftovers from Outback yesterday - Mediteranean chicken and broccoli
1:00pm - paleo chili
3:00pm - decaf w/half & half
7:00pm - decaf w/half & half
8:30pm - green beans w/olive oil & lemon juice, cucumbers, macadamia nuts, apple, and decaf w/heavy cream

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, 7/14/10

Max Effort Hang Power Clean
*Work up to 1-RM

85#s x 3, 95#s x 3, 105#s x 3, 110#s x 1, 115#s x 1, 120#s [failed], 120#s [failed], 115#s x 1

Rest 5:00 minutes then...
Tabata Row for max distance (meters)

No rower and I needed to get to work, so I skipped the second half

9:15am - coffee w/heavy cream
10:30am - coffee w/heavy cream
12:00pm - lunch at Outback - a very small portion of cheese fries, wedge salad, Mediteranean chicken (w/feta cheese), and broccoli
7:30pm - salad w/lemon juice and olive oil, salmon, broccoli w/olive oil & lemon juice, red wine
9:30pm - apple
10:15pm - macadamia nuts

Tuesday, 7/13/10

8:00am - black coffee
12:00pm - avgolemono soup
2:00pm - decaf w/heavy cream
3:30pm - decaf w/heavy cream
8:30pm - salad w/olive oil and lemon juice, mahi sauteed in Kerrygold butter, broccoli, apple, macadamia nuts, and white wine

[From the '08 Games]
5 rds for time of
Deadlift, 5 reps @ 185lbs/275lbs
Burpees, 10 reps

Used 135#s for deadlifts: 12:50

Rest 5:00 minutes then...
100 GHD Sit Ups (break up reps as needed)

No GHD bench so I did bent knee sit-ups without weights on my feet

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, 7/12/10

8:00am - black coffee
12:30pm - avgolemono soup & macadamia nuts
2:15pm - raisin rum cake
8:00pm - paleo chili, green beans w/olive oil and lemon juice, fresh cherries, almonds, and white wine

Max Effort Press 5-5-5-3-3-3*
*Work up to your 3-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then....
"Death by Thrusters"
One thruster on the first minute, two on the second, three on the third, keep adding a thruster every minute until you cannot complete the work in that minute. Rx'd weights 63lbs/95lbs

45#s x 5, 55#s x 5, 65#s x 5, 70#s x 3, 75#s x 3, 80#s x 3, 85#s x 3, 90#s [failed on 2nd rep]
"Death by Thrusters": Rxd - 10 rounds

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday, 7/9/10

9:30am - coffee w/heavy cream
1:30pm - coffee w/heavy cream
3:00pm - decaf w/heavy cream
6:30pm - dinner at Grillsmith - Napa salad

Chimmichurru steak w/smashed cauliflower & sauteed spinach (originally got sweet potato puree but sent it back because it had added sugar)

9:30pm - Berryism frozen yogurt w/rasberries, fresh cherries, & white wine

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday, 7/8/10

10:30am - leftover from PF Changs yesterday - kung pao chicken and mongolian beef
2:00pm - decaf w/heavy cream
7:30pm - white wine, avgolemono soup, green beans w/Kerryold butter, and fresh cherries

Max Effort Front Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3*
*Start with a light weight and build up to a 3-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then...
"Quickie" AMRAP in 8 minutes of
10 WBS @ 14lbs/20lbs
10 Box Jumps @ 20"/24"

Front Squat:
5x75#s, 5x85#s, 5x95#s, 3x105#s, 3x115#s, 3x125#s [failed on 2nd rep], 3x120#s
5 rounds
No wall ball so I subbed thrusters. CHHQ recommended double the ball weight for thrusters, so I used 30#s

Wednesday, 7/7/10

12:00pm - lunch at P.F. Changs - lettuce wraps, and kung pao chicken (no rice)
2:00pm - decaf w/heavy cream
8:00pm - avgolemono soup & green beans w/Kerrygold butter
9:00pm - cheese, cherries, and red wine

CFFM WOD (from 7/5):
10 rds for time of
10 pullups (did dead hang pullups with a band relieving 75#s)
10 pushups
10 air squats


Tuesday, 7/6/10

9:00am - coffee w/heavy cream
2:00pm - decaf coffee w/heavy cream
5:30pm - dinner at Fleming's - mushroom ravioli, Felming's potatoes, asparagus, creamed spinach, prime burger w/Swiss cheese, shoestrin potatoes

Warm up with 3-position drills then ...
Max Effort Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1*
*Start with a light weight and build up to your best 1-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then ...
"Quickie" AMRAP in 8 minutes of
5 DB Power Snatch Right
5 DB Power Snatch Left
5 Burpees

3x55#s, 3x60#s, 3x65#s, 1x70#s, 1x70#s, 1x75#s
Only waited about 2 minutes...
15# dumbbell - 5 rounds

Monday, 7/5/10

9:30am - coffee w/heavy cream
1:00pm - Greek salad, and gyro w/pita
8:00pm - avgolemono soup
9:00pm - fresh cherries, cheese, and red wine

Sunday, 7/4/10

9:00am - ribeye (leftover from Fleming's), and coffee w/heavy cream
12:30pm - caprese skewers, Italian meatballs, and salad w/vinaigrette
5:30pm - salad w/vinaigrette, salmon, skorthalia, and beets
8:00pm - ice cream

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday, 7/3/10

"Mr. Joshua"

Five rounds for time of
Run 1/4-mile
30 Glute Ham Developer Situps
Deadlift @ 165lbs/250lbs, 15 reps

Used 125#s for deadlifts and did bent knee sit ups for the last 3 rounds
Time: 31:13

10:00am - coffee w/heavy cream
10:45am - omelette w/sasage, and slices tomatoes
4:00pm - dark chocolate
8:00pm - dinner at Fleming's - white wine, white cosmo, lobster tempura, crab cake, tomato-mozarella slaw, seafood bake, biscuit w/butter, peach cobbler, and key lime pie

Friday, 7/2/10

8:00am - coffee w/heavy cream & Mediterranean omelette (gyro meat, tomatoes, feta, and olives)
3:00pm - coffee w/heavy cream
8:30pm - dinner at Outback - wedge salad, prime rib, and broccoli
10:00pm - red wine & dark chocolate

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday, 7/1/10

9:00am - black coffee
12:00pm - chicken, green beans w/olive oil and lemon juice, and almonds
3:00pm - decaf w/heavy cream
6:00pm - chicken, meatloaf w/mustard, green beans w/Kerrygold butter, almonds, and decaf w/heavy cream